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Questions and Answers with Mobed Kamran Jamshidi on Zoroastrianism
Are Zarathustra teaching different from other religion? if they are, how so?
What is Asha? and what does it means to the follower of path of Asha?
What are the Ameshaspantas and how they do related to the everyday life?
What is Sepanta Mayniou and how’s that related to Amshasapntas?
Is Zoroastrianism different from other religion? and how though? "details"
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Audio Tracks
Q&A with Mobed Jamshidi - P1
Q&A with Mobed Jamshidi - P2
Q&A with Mobed Jamshidi - P3
Liberating Zarathustra's relevance by Dina McIntyre
Liberating Zarathustra's relevance
Liberating Zarathustra's relevance by Dina McIntyre Seminar
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Session 1. Gender Equality & Social Justice
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Session 2. Who is 'God'?
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Session 3. Worship, Prayer, The Path & Its End
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