Hello Parents,
Thank you for your continued support! We are looking forward to seeing you all again this Sunday. We understand that there is limited space for seating and mingling, we appreciate your patience while the main building is under construction.
Some notes/updates:
o Early registration ends this Saturday, Oct. 8. Sign-up before prices increase! https://www.czc.org/classes
· Parent Volunteers Needed!
o Sign-up to be a parent volunteer! Please email us back or look for the sign-up sheet on Sunday.
o Your help is needed to create another successful academic year for our amazing children, pre-teens & teens!
o Parent volunteers are needed, to assist with:
§ weekly set-ups (chairs, EZ-ups, etc…)
§ organization of activities during free time
§ weekly pictures of classes/activities
§ clean-up
§ fundraising
§ future events etc…We can only be successful if we all work together.
· What to Bring!
o Water
o Snacks/own lunch
§ BOD has informed us, due to construction, lunch will not be regularly served on Sundays. Please plan accordingly.
§ Snacks provided on behalf of Amoozesh are for registered children ONLY. We appreciate your understanding.
o Chair(s)
· Things to keep in mind:
o We are all volunteers, and your support and hamkari is needed in order to create a safe, secure and happy environment
o Teachers will come out-side to collect your children for class. Please do not go into the classroom with your child.
o Teachers will bring the children out and hand to parents at the end of class.
o Please keep the covered area, into the Farhangi building clear at all times. Do not gather, socialize in this area. We need to keep is clear for safety reasons.
o Please watch after your children, pre-teens and teens. Do not drop them off and leave. Your presence is required.
· Schedule: there have been some schedule adjustments based on feedback, please see the attached schedule for reference.