NAMC Institute of Zoroastrian Studies Lecture Series
Sunday, March 14, 2021, 11 am Pacific Time
Topic: Zoroastrianism 101
Presenter: Mobed Fariborz Shahzadi
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 950 9185 0303
Passcode: NAMC
Test your basic knowledge of Zoroastrianism.
Check if you know the 20 “basic” concepts of Zoroastrianism.
Learn about Sudreh, Kusti and Fravahar and how to use them to better appreciate the Zoroastrian religion.
Learn the most important word in Zoroastrianism and the meaning of “basic” daily prayers and how to be guided by them. Informative to the young, and a refresher to young-at-heart.
You will gain new appreciation of the simplicity and practicality of Zoroastrian teachings and the Zoroastrian way of life.
Presenter: Mobed Fariborz Shahzadi
Born in Nasik, India, Fariborz was trained and initiated as a Mobed in Mumbai. After completing his graduate studies in USA, he emigrated to Iran, completed his Army training, and worked in Tehran till the Revolution. Later, he moved to California, where he provides religious and spiritual services to his fellow Zoroastrians.
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